Help Wanted Employeess Available Eastern Shore

(In partnership with ®)


Natural Resources
Retail-Supplier Link
Restaurant Link
Real Estate
Employer-Employee Link

One of our goals for is to become the place find those who work in the 'naturals' business.  Whether you work the land, in shops or stores, or on a computer, we want this to be the low cost (FREE!) way to  find one  another.


So....Welcome to Employee Link....the place you can seek employment or can seek employees for your natural related business.  

If you are interested in working, or finding someone to work for you, please drop us a line and we will put YOU and your request on the web.  Be sure to include your name, phone number, address, and a little bit about the job or yourself to help others looking over your information. 

Send your "help wanted" or "seeking work" request to:


And as before, while this service is free, we certainly appreciate a voluntary payment to help  keep us online.   Send checks payable to

c/o Ann Hagerott

5700 Forest Road

Cheverly, Maryland 20785